CIRCA - Cambridge International Reference on Current Affairs
People in Power

People in Power Online


Frequently Asked Questions

Forgotten your log in details?

I've clicked on "Browse" - why can't I see any data?

How can I find a particular ministry's contact details?

How do I find the name of a particular person?

How do I find a particular person's contact details from the government personnel list?

How do I search for all people with a particular role (e.g. all prime ministers)?

How do I search for all organizations of a particular kind (e.g. all ministries of health)?

When I search the same ministry comes up more than once ...

I'm searching for a type of organization that's not in the drop-down list ...

When searching should I use the drop-down box or type in the other box?

What is the difference between "area of responsibility" and "organization type"

Can I export my search results to make a mailing list?

Why is the search not returning the answer that I want?

How do I clear the search form to perform a new search?

How do I find information on a country?

How do I find the latest election results?

How do I find information on Parliaments or Embassies?

Some people's names have letters after them. Where can I find a list of abbreviations?

Why is part of a person's name in blue and part in black?

Some people's names have a star beside them in the government personnel list. What does this mean?

For any other questions, contact CIRCA

Forgotten your log in details?

Email and we will send you a reminder.

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I've clicked on "Browse" - why can't I see any data?

You need to choose a country from the drop-down box and click SUBMIT.

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How can I find a particular ministry's contact details?

        eg What is the address of the ministry of foreign affairs in Poland?
        eg What is the website address for the ministry of health in South Africa?

To find a particular organization select BROWSE and in the drop-down box select the name of the country and click SUBMIT. For a government department, click on the MINISTRIES tab and look down the list until you find the one that you are interested in. To find which ministers are associated with it, click on the ministry's name.

Alternatively you can use SEARCH. On the SEARCH page, select the country you are interested in, and in the drop-down box for "Ministry search" select the type of Ministry. If you can't find it listed then type it in the box to the right. Then click SEARCH and the ministry will appear in the results below.

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How do I find the name of a particular person?

        eg Who is the finance minister of Bhutan?
Who is the president of Malawi?

To find the name of a particular person select BROWSE and in the drop-down box select the name of the country and click SUBMIT. Scroll down past the Political Structure information to the list of Government Personnel and find the post that you are interested in.

Alternatively you can use SEARCH. On the SEARCH page, select the country you are interested in, and in the drop-down box for "Portfolio search " select the person's role. If you can't find it listed then type it in the box to the right. Then click SEARCH and the person will appear in the results below.

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How do I find a particular person's contact details from the government personnel list?

        eg I want to write to the US president.

Click on the NAME to see contact details for all the ministries that are associated with them.

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How do I search for all people with a particular role (e.g. all prime ministers)?

Use SEARCH and in the drop-down list under "Portfolio search" select "Prime Ministers". Leave the "Name of country" set to "-Any-". Click search and you will get a list of all people holding prime minister/premier/head of government roles (whatever their exact job title is).

Alternatively you can use SEARCH and type "prime minister" into the box on the right hand side beside "Portfolio search". This will give you all people whose job title contains the words "prime minister".

NB if you have a premium subscription and wish to export the results of your search, you need to search using the EXPORT page.

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How do I search for all organizations of a particular kind (e.g. all ministries of health)?

Use SEARCH and choose the data set you want to search. In the drop-down list under "organization type" select "Ministries of Health". Leave the "Name of country" set to "[All countries] or select...". Click search and you will get a list of all ministries of health.

Alternatively you can use SEARCH and type "ministry of health" into the box on the right under "area of responsibility". This will give you all organizations whose name contains the exact words "ministry of health".

NB if you have a premium subscription and wish to export the results of your search, you need to search using the EXPORT page.

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When I search the same ministry or person comes up more than once ...

If you get a ministry repeated, this is because it has more than one person associated with it. So you get one result for each person.

Similarly, if you get a person repeated it is because that person is associated with more than one ministry and you are getting one result for each ministry.

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I'm searching for a type of organization that's not in the drop-down list ...

        eg I'm searching for ministers of investment...

When using the search, if you don't want to select any of the options from the drop-down list, then you can type in the box alongside.

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When searching should I use the drop-down box or type in the other box?

If you are interested, say, in "foreign affairs" results then you should select that category from the drop-down list. Then your search results will include all results relevant to foreign affairs - including the Secretary of State in the USA - even though the words "foreign affairs" are not actually included in the result.

If, on the other hand, you specifically want ministers of oil and do not want to include ministers of gas then you should type "oil" in the other box to get the best results.

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What is the difference between "Portfolio search" and "Ministry search "?

Searching in "Portfolio search" looks at the jobs held by people, whereas searching in "Ministry search" looks at details for the physical buildings. So if you are looking for types of minister search in "Portfolio search", and if you are looking for lists of ministries, then search in "Ministry search".

For instance if you want a list of all health ministers and their details, regardless of whether they actually work at a ministry of health, then search in "Portfolio search". Whereas if you want all health ministries and people attached to them, whether or not they are actually a minister of health, then search in "Ministry search".

And if you specifically want health ministers at health ministries, then select "ministers of health" AND "ministries of health".

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Can I export my search results to make a mailing list?

You can export your search results if you have a Premium Subscription. To upgrade your subscription contact us on +44 1223 321910 or email

To download your search results, you need to search using the EXPORT page. You will need to enter your usual log in details again the first time you use this page to give you access to this premium subscription facility.

Perform your search as usual on the EXPORT page, and then when the results are displayed a floppy disc symbol appears ABOVE the results with the words "Download Data". Click on this to get a .csv export file to save to your computer.

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Why is the search not returning the answer that I want?

If you are searching for a name, then try alternative spellings, or just typing in part of the name to find any matches for that.

Make sure the form is reset before starting to enter your search criteria. To do this make sure the three free-text boxes are empty and the three drop-down boxes are reset to "-Any-".

If you were searching in "area of responsibility" then try searching in "organization type " instead - or as well.

The search form on the EXPORT page works the same way.

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How do I clear the search form to perform a new search?

Empty the three free-text boxes and set the three drop-down boxes to "-Any-".

The search form on the EXPORT page works the same way.

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How do I find information on a country?

        eg When was the current constitution of Angola adopted?
        eg When were the most recent elections in Zimbabwe?
        eg I want to know about the parliament of New Zealand

To find information on a particular country select BROWSE and in the drop-down box select the name of the country and press SUBMIT. The POLITICAL STRUCTURE tab displays basic information about the country.

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How do I find the latest election results?

To find latest election results for a particular country select BROWSE and in the drop-down box select the name of the country and press SUBMIT. The POLITICAL STRUCTURE tab displays the election results.

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How do I find information on Parliaments or Embassies?

        eg Who is the UK Ambassador to Switzerland?
        eg What is the address of the US Embassy in Egypt?
        eg What is the website address of the parliament of New Zealand?

To find contact details for the Parliament of a particular country or the Ambassadors and Embassy contact details to or from the UK and USA for a particular country, select BROWSE and in the drop-down box select the name of the country and press SUBMIT. The contact details for Parliaments and Embassies are displayed on the POLITICAL STRUCTURE tab beneath the Government Personnel list and also on the MINISTRIES tab beneath the Ministries table.

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Some people's names have letters after them. Where can I find a list of abbreviations?

(f) means that person is female.

Other abbreviations in brackets indicate membership of political parties. These abbreviations are explained in the political makeup section on the POLITICAL STRUCTURE tab for that country.

Letters after a person's name that are not in brackets indicate titles or educational attainment.

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Why is part of a person's name in blue and part in black?

The blue part of the name is their personal name and surname. The black parts indicate how to address them formally.

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Some people's names have a star after them in the
government personnel list. What does this mean?

This means they are new to the post. PIP is updated continually, and stars will mean that the appointment has occurred within a recent period of time of at most two months. The date of the beginning of the period covered by the stars is in the top righthand corner of the screen. If for example the date is 1 January 2021, this means that all people marked with a * are new to the post since 1 January 2021.

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Facts at your Fingertips

People in Power contains:

Country-by-country information

Government structure

All current ministers

Latest election results

UK/US diplomatic contacts

Postal address