Where are we Now


Where We Are Now: The Smartest, Clearest Guide to the Issues That Shape Our World Today

CIRCA Ltd, Mitchell Beazley, 2008

"Where We Are Now" makes the complex world easy to understand. It uses cleverly conceived graphics to explain the facts behind today's big issues.

It doesn't just provide information; it takes all the facts and figures, analyses them, spots the trends hiding beneath the surface and presents them in an easily-understandable, new and highly-illustrated way.

Because it is interested in trends, it explains not just how the world works today, but also how things might work tomorrow. It is the answer-laden antidote to a data-filled world.

"Short, clear and get me up to speed... highly recommended. This is an awesome book, especially if you need to fill gaps in world issues like global warming or Internet growth." Loh Chee Meng, Singapore